Part 49: Goon Playthrough - Part 49

Did the Prince fail to meet your standards, and you had to fend off all his attention and admiration? Did you dismiss him and take your leave?


You're awfully quiet. What happened then? I know! You used up all your eloquence on the Prince? I'm sure he was really impressed. That's probably why he ran off so fast. He was too intimidated to stay in the presence of such perfection. And I'm glad you gave me this opportunity to point out again how great an example you are for me. Please enlighten me as to what the key pillars to your

Will you shut up already!

Enough! If there ever was a time when I expected you two to focusthis is it. Sophia! Stop with these pointless remarks. Want to show your sister? Then go and prove you can do what she failed at!

I never said I could. And I'm not sure whether

Stop whining! Stand up straight, keep your chest forward. Maybe for once your silly books will have their use. I heard the Prince reads a lot.

He does? What does he read?

I don't know and I don't care! Just try to use it to your advantage. If this doesn't work... You're not as pretty as your sister, so just flatter him a lot. You can do it.

Right. I'm sure he's not used to that.

And what about Gloria?

Your sister and I are going to have a little chat while you are gone! You concentrate on the Prince. Be seductive. Go!

Oh, I'll miss your pleasant chat with Mother, Gloria. And I was so hoping for a good show.

Good evening, my Lady. It is one of the conventional titles used when addressing kings, so no, not really. At least not yet.

Oops! Looks like I blew it already.

I wouldn't worry about that. I never understood all those subtleties myself. Nor cared for them, for that matter.

I must be really lucky then. Since I don't care much for titles myself. Never seen the purpose.

You do not? Quite a rare trait for a daughter of a noble house.

Oh? Is that so?

Oh yes. Quite an overbearing character, that mother of ours. She even made us wear these dresses, you see. Have you ever worn a corset this tight, my Prince?

...No, I never had the

Chance? Opportunity? Oh, neither had I until today. But it doesn't really matter, because we all have our roles to play and tasks to fulfill. After all, a single night can change the fate of many. Whole families, great houses, dynasties, et cetera.

I'm only the younger daughter and my mother wasn't born into ladyship so it's second-hand nobility you're speaking to. You don't have to lady me, my Prince.

Alright... if you say so. So are you here because your mother asked you to come against your will?

Yes, that's exactly why I'm here. Because I'm a good girl who's willing to play her part.

In that case, would you believe it if I said the reason why I'm here is not that different from yours? I guess you could call it

A family obligation?

Yes. Although my oppressive parent is here in spirit alone, his legacy omnipresent, his influence palpable.

Oh, you don't have to play that shocked look on me. If you're anything like me, and your father was even slightly similar to my mother, a joke like that won't make you blink.

You're right. Having spent all my life among people trained to keep up appearances, I picked up all the conventional reflexes. Like acting shocked when someone is making a joke about your dead parent. Even though everyone knows he wasn't as good a father as he was a king.

I feel lucky already! At least nobody ever forced me into a mold of politeness. I shudder at the thought of someone trying. Such a silly concept, this politeness. Lying to each other in the name of good manners. As if honesty was a vice.

Isn't 'original' one of the categories physicians use when they lock you up in an asylum.

Technically, I think it's 'innovative.' And I am serious. I'm glad you're here. I'd love to get to know you better.

The correct response here would be to say: 'Thank you, Your Highness', and maybe blush a little bit, yes? Well, I'm not so good at blushing on demand. Don't get me wrong, my Prince, you seem much nicer than I expected, but I didn't come here because I wanted to have a chat with you. I'm here because my mother has serious control issues and wants me to play a role she scripted for me, probably before I was even born. Not very entertaining a role, mind you. And as for my sister, well, alrightthat actually is the pleasant part. I just wanted to show her that I can do better without even trying.

And I couldn't care less about ruling: grown-ups sitting in ridiculous chairs, wearing funny hats made of metal. Frankly, it all seems very silly to me.

Well, you've made your point quite clear. So what now?

Therefore, it's the perfect time to go back home and get this cursed thing off my waist. Whoever invented these must have been REALLY innovative. Good night. Have a nice Ball and everything, I'm out of here.

Heavens! This Ball is turning into a madhouse rather rapidly.

Crepuscule Adepte wins the prize!